LGBTQ+ Protections in Schools: An Update on Title IX from Our Policy Team

As LGBTQ+ families navigate a second Trump Administration, Nikhil Vashee, Family Equality’s Director of Education Law and Policy, Senior Policy Counsel, details the current state of protections for LGBTQ+ families in schools, and how you can continue to advocate for safer, more inclusive schools for your children. 

The second Trump Administration is only a few weeks old, and yet we’ve seen alarming moves to roll back protections for LGBTQI+ students and families. Policies like Title IX, which exist to safeguard our rights and protect our children, are suddenly up for debate, leaving many parents and educators alike scrambling to understand how to protect the people we love. While this moment feels incredibly disheartening, Family Equality knows there’s power in information. Below is my expert understanding of the current landscape for LGBTQI+ students and families — my hope is that it provides you with some clarity and serves as a reminder that even in the hardest moments, you’re not alone in this fight.

New obstacles to LGBTQ+ protections in schools

What is Title IX? 

Title IX is the name of the federal civil rights law enacted as part of the Education Amendments of 1972. It is a federal law that prohibits sex-based discrimination in any public or private elementary school, secondary school, school district, college, or university that receives federal funding. Religious schools can apply for an exemption.

Chipping away at LGBTQI+ school protections 

In April 2024, the Department of Education updated the Title IX rules to clarify and expand protections for people discriminated against based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex characteristics (which encompasses intersex people). But in January 2025, a federal court in Kentucky blocked these new rules. Based on the current administration’s priorities and the Department of Education’s January 31 “Dear Colleague” letter to schools, it’s clear that the Trump Administration will ensure that the current Title IX rules no longer explicitly include protections for LGBTQI+ people. 

Of course, Title IX has not disappeared. The law still protects students from sexual harassment and sex-based discrimination. But the Department of Education will be deprioritizing enforcing these protections for our community.

The Administration has taken additional actions toward our schools, too. For example, they removed any mention of LGBTQI+ school protections from their websites and rolled out an executive order stopping the Department of Education from investigating discriminatory book bans. The order claims that book bans are “a hoax” despite the fact that there have been over 16,000 book bans recorded since 2021, the majority of which focus on race, racism, and LGBTQI+ people. 

Where do we go from here?

First, know that Title IX is still the law, and, as such, schools have certain obligations to fulfill under it. This means that when you report a potential Title IX violation to your school, they have to investigate and provide supportive measures in the meantime — no matter what. It is still worth reporting every instance of anti-LGBTQI+ harassment and discrimination to the school principal or Title IX coordinator. Learn more about filing a federal Title IX complaint. 

Also, know that Title IX isn’t your only path for protection! Your state or school district probably has its own policy on bullying, harassment, and discrimination separate from Title IX. There are many states and school districts that have adopted their own protections for LGBTQI+ students

You can also advocate for yourself and your family in smaller ways — like one-on-one with a teacher or through community engagement. If you’re an LGBTQI+ parent looking to create more affirming environments for your children, check out our resources: Advocating for Your Family in the Classroom: Starting the Conversation – Family Equality; Inclusive Schools: Advocacy 101 – Family Equality; Creating Safe LGBTQ+ Spaces In and Out of the Classroom: A Guide for Parents – Family Equality

Finally, know that Family Equality has got your back. In addition to providing resources and up-to-date information on the state of laws like Title IX, our team is available to give advice or point you to resources that you can access in your community. 

The next few years are not going to be easy. I am already feeling the heartbreak for children who will need to grow up faster than they should because their existence will be politicized and for parents who will need to fight harder than ever to protect their kids. But Family Equality has existed for forty-five years, and we’re not stopping now. Along with our movement partners, we’ve got this. We’ve got us. And we’ll continue to fight to ease the burden as much as we can.

Nikhil Vashee

Nikhil Vashee (They/Them)

Director of Education Law and Policy, Senior Policy Counsel

Nikhil Vashee (they/them) is currently the Director of Education Law and Policy, Senior Policy Counsel for Family Equality. In this role, they promote policy solutions at the local, state, and federal levels to ensure LGBTQ+ families’ access to quality education in a supportive environment. They also oversee litigation, amicus curiae briefs, and other legal efforts to combat discrimination against LGBTQ+ families in education.