Biweekly Trans, Non-binary, and Gender Non-Conforming Parents Meetup
This peer support space is a place for any and all parents & caregivers who identify as transgender, non -binary, gender nonconforming or anywhere on the genderqueer spectrum.
‘Going Stealth’: A Story of Injustice And Hope From The Father Of A Trans Child
In the fight to end LGBT discrimination, children still remain especially vulnerable to the speech and actions of those who wish to hold onto hate.
Connor Ferguson, Transgender Prom Queen, Takes The Crown In Trenton, Ontario
A high school is not usually the place where the norms of gender expression and identity are challenged. In the struggle for acceptance, many teens
New Law Backs Transgender Residents
In many states, transgender rights are slow to come by. While differences in sexual orientation may be protected from discrimination, gender identity is often left
New French Government Plans to Legalize Marriage Equality and Adoption
The new French government is living up to its promises to the LGBT community! As a follow-up to an earlier story, in which we mentioned
Trans Advocate Testifies Before Senate on ENDA
via The Senate heard for the first time ever testimony from a transgender witness in a hearing dedicated to highlighting workplace discrimination experienced by
Transgender Day of Remembrance
On Sunday, November 20, Family Equality Council joins with our partners in commemorating The Transgender Day of Remembrance and will take time to remember those
48 Hours Left to Participate in Largest Ever Study of Transgender Discrimination
The following is a message from our friends at the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE): NCTE in collaboration with the National Gay and Lesbian
Ending Gender Identity/Expression Discrimination in Massachusetts…Soon!
Great news coming out of Massachusetts this week. Reps. Sciortino and Rushing and Sen. Downing re-introduced “An Act Relative to Gender-Based Discrimination and Hate Crimes,”
Tired of Being Attacked by the Right?
It’s not always good for morale, but it is good for resolve. Each and every day I receive about 4-5 emails from right wing organizations
International Transgender Day of Remembrance
Today is the 10th annual International Transgender Day of Remembrance, commemorating the lives of transgender people lost to anti-transgender violence over the past year. Advocates
Transgender Rights Upheld in Maryland — Major Victory!
We here at Family Equality Council were thrilled to hear that the ballot measure to repeal Montgomery County, Maryland’s transgender protections ordinance failed to qualify