A big week at the Supreme Court
As Director of Public Policy, I wanted to update you on Family Equality Council’s leading role around the two days of oral arguments in the Proposition
Many Voices Raised at Supreme Court Rally
This morning, thousands of advocates and families gathered at the steps of the Supreme Court to reflect, celebrate, and raise our voices. As the Justices
Jeff, Josh, and Andrew’s Family Story
Leading up to the March 26-27 Supreme Court hearings on DOMA and Proposition 8, Family Equality will feature some of the young people and families
McKinley’s Family Story
Leading up to the March 26-27 Supreme Court hearings on DOMA and Propositon 8, Family Equality will feature some of the young people and families
Sarah’s Family Story
Leading up to the March 26-27 Supreme Court hearings on DOMA and Propositon 8, Family Equality will feature some of the young people and families
Voices of Children
This post was first published here, on the Huffington Post Blog. In connection with the DOMA and Proposition 8 cases, Family Equality Council and our coalition
Supreme Court: Hear the voices of our children
Yesterday Family Equality Council, along with our partners at GLSEN, COLAGE, Our Family Coalition, the Center on Children and Families and the Child Rights Project
No Marriages This Week in CA; On Hold Indefinitely
The AP reports: SAN FRANCISCO — A federal appeals court put same-sex weddings in California on hold indefinitely Monday while it considers the constitutionality of
Prop 8 and Families
The indispensable NYT columnist Frank Rich brings it home: Much has been said about the triumph of the odd-couple legal team, the former Bush v. Gore
Prop. 8 Judge Issues Pro-Family Ruling in Landmark Case
Opinion favors gay families, strong family values; Chrisler to LGBT parents: celebrate today, get to work tomorrow Boston, MA—A U.S. District Court judge ruled the
Mariage Equality Arguments That Worked
David Boise, one of the rockstar lawyers fighting the gay marriage ban in California, discussed at the Aspen Ideas Festival how his legal team swayed
LGBT families and friends reacting to Prop 8
Now that the California Supreme Court has upheld Prop 8 — and the marriages legally performed in CA last year — the media will cover