LGBT Activists Hail Obama’s Immigration Reform
At Family Equality Council, we believe in celebrating and keeping together all families. We know that this is ideal for our children and our communities.
Senate HELP Committee Hears Testimony on ENDA
On Tuesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension (HELP) committee held a hearing on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). ENDA would ban discrimination based on sexual orientation and
Congressional Hearing on the Employment Non Discrimination Act
The Employment Non-Discrimination Act was originally introduced in 1994, but has yet to become law. Next month, there will be a hearing before the Senate Health, Education,
Suffer The Children
Thirty years of scientific research and mainstream child welfare organizations confirm that children raised by same-sex parents have exactly the same chance of growing into
Family Equality Working For Marriage In New York
I just got off the phone with David Giller, the organizer I’ll be working with in the Hudson Valley. He’s been on the ground for
Fifth Circuit Decision on Gay Adoption Undercuts Constitution, Stigmatizes Innocent Child
This guest post, by our Director of Policy Emily Hecht-McGowan, was posted at the American Constitution Society for Law and Politics In a stunning reversal
Paid Sick Days: Moving Forward with LGBT Health
Last week was critical for the health of the LGBT community. On the tails of the study released by the Institutes of Medicine (IOM), the
Kudos to Kathleen
Congrats to Washington Post conservative columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner Kathleen Parker who has, like so many conservatives recently, seen the light around marriage equality
The Nuts and Bolts of the 2010 Census
By Laura Waldon, LGBT Partnership Specialist, U.S. Census BureauThe U.S. Census counts every resident in the United States, and is required by the Constitution to
Massachusetts Anti-Bullying Bill Fails to Adequately Protect LGBT Students, According to Joint Statement by National and Local LGBT Organizations
On Friday, The Massachusetts Senate passed S.B. 2313, An Act Relative to School Bullying, which brings much-needed attention to the crisis of bullying and harassment
Adoption Bill Aims to Protect LGBT Parents, Kids
Chris Johnson, DC Agenda | Mar 12, 2010 | Comments A tearful moment interrupted a congressional panel discussion on LGBT adoption Thursday when a gay foster parent
Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) re-introduces the Every Child Deserves a Family Act
Rep Pete Stark (D-CA) is hosting a panel discussion on the “Every Child Deserves a Family Act.”Panelists will include foster children who will discuss their