New York Times on LGBT adoption: a reminder about Every Child Deserving Family
A good article by the New York Times’ Sabrina Tavernise. We should note that the piece does not mention the Every Child Deserves A Family
Distorting “Every Child Deserves a Family”
Our thanks to Carlos Maza. See his original post, with intact links, at Equality Matters. The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) posted an article from LifeSiteNews warning about
Fifth Circuit Decision on Gay Adoption Undercuts Constitution, Stigmatizes Innocent Child
This guest post, by our Director of Policy Emily Hecht-McGowan, was posted at the American Constitution Society for Law and Politics In a stunning reversal
Governor McDonnell, Why Are You Playing Politics With Children’s Lives?
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell opposes regulations proposed by his Democratic predecessor that would prohibit child welfare agencies in the state from discriminating on the basis
Building A Family Is Hard Enough.
When you think of Family, what ideas come to mind for you? Love? Commitment? Picnics, playdates, and home cooked meals? If you asked almost anyone
Massachusetts Anti-Bullying Bill Fails to Adequately Protect LGBT Students, According to Joint Statement by National and Local LGBT Organizations
On Friday, The Massachusetts Senate passed S.B. 2313, An Act Relative to School Bullying, which brings much-needed attention to the crisis of bullying and harassment
Adoption Bill Aims to Protect LGBT Parents, Kids
Chris Johnson, DC Agenda | Mar 12, 2010 | Comments A tearful moment interrupted a congressional panel discussion on LGBT adoption Thursday when a gay foster parent
Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) re-introduces the Every Child Deserves a Family Act
Rep Pete Stark (D-CA) is hosting a panel discussion on the “Every Child Deserves a Family Act.”Panelists will include foster children who will discuss their
Adoption anti-discrimination bill gets reboot
Chris Johnson, DC Agenda An adoption anti-discrimination bill previously introduced in the U.S. House is set to get a new start this week when the bill’s
Congressman Pete Stark (D-CA) Announces Congressional Briefing on “Every Child Deserves a Family Act”
For folks who are in DC, we hope you’ll attend the briefing. For folks elsewhere, the briefing will be streamed live over the internet. Information
April 1 is National Census Day and it’s not an April Fool’s Joke – the Census will be counting LGBT families.
By Gary J. Gates, Williams Distinguished Scholar, Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law LGBT families need to be visible and counted in the 2010 Census.
Breaking: District of Columbia Mayor Signs Marriage Equality Bill
Mayor Adrian Fenty exclaimed, “It’s done, everyone!” after he signed a bill this morning that would end discrimination in marriage against LGBT families in the