Obama Victory A Win For Modern Families


Washington, DC  – (Nov. 7, 2012) – Family Equality Council today called the re-election of President Obama an overwhelming victory for modern American families including the one million families in this country with parents who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and their two million children.

“Americans have voted to re-elect a President who fully supports marriage equality and who has worked tirelessly to ensure LGBT parents and their children have a fair shot at the American dream, “ said Family Equality Council Executive Director Jennifer Chrisler.  “In casting their ballot for the President they voted in favor of fairness and freedom for all American families.”

“Over the last four years, the President has demonstrated his administration’s commitment to making sure our nation’s laws and policies reflect the rich diversity and pressing needs of the modern American family. Now he has an opportunity over the next four years to fulfill that commitment, “ added Chrisler.

Chrisler said, “We live in a country with a vibrant and diverse fabric of families where children are just as likely to be raised by single dads, divorced moms and dads, step-parents, grandparents, older siblings, foster/adoptive parents, and same-sex couples. We know that these families share similar hopes and dreams for their children. They all want to ensure their children have access to the American dream. Now it’s up to us to help the President by talking about the barriers that prevent our kids from achieving that dream.”

Chrisler said Family Equality Council has highlighted those areas of American life where modern families are underrepresented in a platform entitled Modern Families: Ensuring the American Dream for All Families. Those areas include employment and benefits, poverty and economic security, family creation, immigration, family definition, youth and education, health care and housing.  The platform is being sent to the President as a blueprint for change. Chrisler acknowledged that these issues will require non-partisan cooperation in Congress.

“While Democrats and Republicans may have fundamental policy disagreements, I think we all agree on the need for our leaders to come together on laws and policies that recognize, respect and protect all American families. That is a core American value that every party, every lawmaker and every American can and should support. The American public no longer will accept empty rhetoric about family values, they will now demand clear answers on what politicians are doing to truly value families.”


CONTACT: Steve Majors | Dir. Communications