Lifetime Looking for Lesbian Moms

Lifetime Television is working with Left/Right Productions on a new
documentary series about American women. The series pilot will
focus on women and couples facing fertility challenges. An
associate of Left/Right contacted Family Equality Council directly
looking to see if we could put them in touch with a lesbian couple
currently experiencing challenges with fertility. While the episode
is not LGBT-focused, the company wants to include the wide range of
family types that could be facing these issues.

From the production company:

Be a part of a groundbreaking documentary series
for Lifetime TV.  We are currently casting individuals or couples
who want to create a family but are struggling to do so.

We are looking for individuals or couples undergoing treatment
who are willing to share their experiences with the world in the
hopes of providing support, education, and guidance about a subject
that many people still know very little about–infertility.

We are committed to telling the real stories of those of you
that are currently navigating your way through the world of
infertility treatments and we hope this will draw attention to the
struggles that you endure in your journey to have a family.

We know that there are many, many eye opening stories to tell;
whether you’re a single woman who has made the courageous
decision to go it alone, a couple who has decided to turn to
surrogacy, a same sex couple trying to build a family, or a couple
about to go through their first cycle of IVF.   We know that you
have unique stories that have the power to inform and shed light on
an issue that most know nothing about.  

If you have a unique story and are currently going through
treatment for infertility we want to talk to you.

If interested in speaking with the production company, please email as soon as possible.
They’d like to cast by the end of the year. Production begins
mid-January. (Expressing interest does not obligate you to
anything, so even if you’re unsure, have questions or just want to
know more, it’s fine to email me about it.)

This is a great opportunity to showcase the wide diversity of
people that sometimes struggle to create or expand their families.
I hope to hear from many of you soon!