Let’s Make Back To School Month SAFE Schools Month

Let’s face it. There are a lot of things we have to worry about
as parents.But some of them are things we shouldn’t HAVE
to worry about.

As you watch the school bus pull away in the morning …

You shouldn’t HAVE to
if your son’s school day will include being
called names by other kids …

You shouldn’t HAVE to
about your daughter feeling excluded when a family
tree project in class requires her to list her mother and

And you shouldn’t HAVE to
feel powerless
over whether your children’s teachers
will create an appropriate, safe classroom environment …

But if you are an LGBT parent, you probably do – and with good
reason. In the past year, we have seen utterly devastating effects
of bullying and harassment in our schools throughout the nation.
And it’s fact that kids of LGBT parents face significantly
increased chances of bullying.

As a parent, it makes my heart ache. But I have to tell you: it
also makes my blood boil. Our kids? Targets? I don’t
think so.

And so I urge you to join with me and Family Equality Council in
our nationwide campaign this month for safe schools for our
children. Here are three ways you can help:

1. Give. Simply put, we
can’t do it without you!
Your financial support is
absolutely essential to our ability to fight in schools and on
Capitol Hill for the safety of our children and the equality of our
families. So if you can,
please donate now.

2. Act. If you haven’t already,

send a letter to your legislators
and ask them to
support the Safe Schools Improvement Act and the Student Non
Discrimination Act, two critical bills in Congress now that would
have a major impact on our children’s safety and inclusion at
school. And if you’ve already sent your own letters, please

send the link to your friends
and ask them to

3. Educate. Read about creating
safer, more inclusive schools for children of LGBT-headed families,
and spread the word. A great place to start is Family Equality
newly updated “Opening Doors”
where you can find
vital information about developing school policies that respect,
include and protect our children.

Will you join with me now? We can’t settle for less for our
children. Help protect our children and families

your support today.