Ready to celebrate #LGBTQFamiliesDay with a dance party?! So are we! Join Family Equality, Mombian and Ants on a Log for a live concert and giveaway! Don’t forget to post photos of your family enjoying the music and mention #LGBTQFamiliesDay! Get in the dancing mood by checking out the music of
Ants on a Log.
Ants on a Log performs music for children and other childlike people, songfully advocating for positivity, social justice, and silliness. In their off-stage lives, Julie is a music therapist and Anya is an elementary science teacher. Their powers combined make for smart, socially conscious folk, with harmonies and rhythmic play that are a delight for children (and grown children!) of all ages.
Mombian is one of the longest-running LGBTQ parenting blogs. As a lifestyle site for lesbian moms and other LGBTQ parents, it offers a mix of parenting, politics, diversions, and resources, including news about LGBTQ families, reviews of LGBTQ-inclusive books and media for parents and children, parenting tips, and political and legal news and commentary with an eye towards their impact on LGBTQ families.