Posted: June 2023 | Updated: March 2024
Family Equality’s Family Equity Justice Survey remains open to all participants — have you completed the survey yet? Participation from as many LGBTQ+ families as possible is essential to ensuring we have a complete and accurate picture of our families’ needs and experiences.
Contributing to this historic initiative couldn’t be easier. Simply:
- Take 10 minutes to complete the survey today. Note: We carefully screen all survey responses before including the data in our research. Only survey participants who indicate an interest in being interviewed will be contacted for further involvement.
- Share the survey with your network so we can ensure we’re reaching as many LGBTQ+ families as possible! We’re especially seeking responses from BIPOC and interracial families.
About the Family Equity Justice Project
The Family Equity Justice project is an initiative that seeks to understand and document the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ families. In particular, we’re looking at how BIPOC, economically under-resourced and/or geographically remote families who live outside the major urban centers of the United States experience the LGBTQ+ family journey. As a national nonprofit dedicated to ensuring that everyone can experience the unconditional joy and belonging of family, maintaining a full and complete picture of what all our families experience is essential to serving them better.
About the Family Equity Justice Survey
Our 2024 Family Equity Justice Survey is a research-focused facet of this important project. It seeks to learn more about the cycle of family building and sustenance undertaken by LGBTQ+ individuals who may be far from the major urban centers of the United States, economically under-resourced, and/or BIPOC. Interracial and white families are also important parts of this work as we are all united in our shared values and goals.
We consider this survey to be an essential component of the larger Family Equity Justice project, as it will allow us to answer the following questions:
- How do the experiences of LGBTQ+ BIPOC families differ in relation to family creation, conception, housing, choice of residence location, economic challenges, discrimination faced, child-rearing, partner selection, religion, education, healthcare, identity development, mental health, substance abuse, body size/image, and relationships with families of origin?
- How has being an LGBTQ+ parent or child impacted your relationship with your community and do you feel empowered to pursue your goals and objectives in the current political and cultural moment?
- What are the barriers to engagement and participation in the broader LGBTQ+ family rights and advocacy community for BIPOC people and families?
The survey is still open for all members of our community of interest, including white and BIPOC parents as well as all prospective parents. It takes about 10 minutes of your time to complete and is available in English, Spanish, and French. By participating in the survey, you will be sharing essential aspects of your journey as current and future LGBTQ+ parents!
Note: We carefully screen all survey responses before including the data in our research. Only survey participants who indicate an interest in being interviewed will be contacted for further involvement.
Why should you participate in the survey?
We hope that by participating in this survey, participants will:
- Contribute to the visibility of BIPOC LGBTQ+ families
- Learn more about how Family Equality works to support their families
- Develop new self-advocacy skills
- Uncover new narratives and perspectives surrounding our communities
- Impact how Family Equality creates programs and events so that they serve and reach more communities
- Provide valuable data to Family Equality that will be reported to movement and community partners, thereby strengthening national advocacy efforts
In short, we want to get to know LGBTQ+ families around the country, and we are especially interested in having conversations if you live outside major metropolitan areas and in the southern and midwestern parts of the United States!

Ready to get started?
Take 10 minutes to complete the survey today!
Your willingness and courage to respond are greatly appreciated and will truly help us to be more inclusive and effective advocates for our entire community. Note: We carefully screen all survey responses before including the data in our research. Only survey participants who indicate an interest in being interviewed will be contacted for further involvement.
Already participated? That’s amazing! Don’t forget to share the survey with folks in your network so we can get as many families as possible to participate! Remember: The key to creating a complete, inclusive, and accurate picture of the LGBTQ+ family experience is to hear from as many families as possible. By spreading the word about this initiative, you’re helping us make this project a success!