Family Equality is thrilled to welcome Brandon Gill to our new People + Culture Department!

Brandon Gill, Director of HR & People Operations
Brandon is a non-profit operations professional with over fifteen years of experience leading staff and supporting stakeholders at multiple levels. He is excited to be joining Family Equality as the Director of HR and People Operations. Prior to joining Family Equality, Brandon served as the Chief of Staff for NYC Kids RISE, the nonprofit agency overseeing the college scholarship and savings program for all NYC public school students and, previously, as the Director of Operations for the Urban League, Success Academy, and several other educational institutions. Brandon has dedicated his career to championing the causes of equality and equity in all forms and is thrilled to support the team and mission of Family Equality in this new role. Having lived and worked in multiple states, Brandon currently lives in New York City with his husband, Edwin, and their seven-year-old puggle, Nigel. He loves to travel and explore new cuisines (mostly as a consumer rather than as a chef).
Top 3 favorite podcasts, books, or TV shows?
Montage of a Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes
It Can’t Happen Here by Sinclair Lewis
Connie Gets More Than Her Backyard by Patti Whitehead-Gill (a children’s book about family written by my mom!)
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
I enjoy exploring new restaurants and neighborhoods with my husband, friends, and family. I also love to travel and experience other parts of the world whenever I can.
What drives you to do this work?
I have dedicated my professional career to champion equality and equity in many forms, but my work at Family Equality represents the most authentic opportunity for me to bring my whole self as a married, black, gay cisgender man to the work of achieving legal and lived equality. There is no greater purpose and no time like the present to join the fight for this community with all that I am and all that I have.
What does family equality mean to you?
Family has meant different things over the years, but most recently, I have come to define true family as those people who reflect empathy; the ones who seek to understand and feel what I feel, and vice versa; not only those who are biologically related to me but everyone who chooses to be in my life show up in ways that truly count.
Life motto:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou