Watch Live: White House Reception for LGBT Pride Month

The following is an excerpt from a White House Blog post by Brian Bond, the Deputy
Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement. Prior to
working for President Obama, Mr. Bond served as the Executive
Director of the Democratic National Committee’s Gay and Lesbian
Leadership Council. Later today, the White House will host the
Reception for LGBT Pride Month, commemorating the 40th anniversary
of the Stonewall Riots. Watch the event live at 

Our own Executive Director, Jennifer Chrisler, will be
attending the event as a guest. Read Jennifer’s thoughts on why
accepting the President’s invitation is crucial to ensuring
equality for LGBT families here.

“The Anniversary of Stonewall”
Posted by Brian Bond

As a gay kid growing up in rural Missouri – I never thought I would
end up helping to organize an LGBT Pride event in the White House.
Then again, I never thought I would ever realize my dream to work
in the White House. But thanks to the historic election of Barack
Obama, today I am honored to be working here.

To me, today’s event is more than just a reception honoring LGBT
Pride month. It is an opportunity for the Administration to provide
the world with a snap shot of the real heroes across the country
that do the day-to-day work fighting for equality. People like
State Representative Patricia Todd in Alabama to Sheriff Lupe
Valdez in Dallas, and many other local LGBT elected officials that
will be here today. And it’s people – ordinary families – that by
simply living their lives openly are changing hearts and minds. It
is also an opportunity to welcome the people upon whom shoulders we
stand, people like Frank Kameny, as well as Phil Wilson, Bishop
Robinson and Ambassador Hormel, who I know personally, and those
who stood up to bigotry at Stonewall. I really wish people like
Bayard Rustin could be standing here with us today. He would be up
for the fight ahead of us and proud of the place we now stand.

Click here to read the post in full