Participate in Research: Gay Dad-Headed Families

Are you a gay dad? Would you be willing to answer some confidential
questions about your life and about your family? The purpose of
this study is to examine the many ways families headed by gay
fathers have been created, explore how families function, and learn
about the relationship between partners.

The study consists of an online survey and will take approximately
25-35 minutes of your time. To qualify for the study you have to
identify as male, a father, and gay, bisexual or homosexual and
have at least one child of any age; this child can be biological,
adopted, foster, step, or other child. You do not need to be the
child’s legal parent to participate.

This study has been approved by the University of Virginia IRB
#2008-0407-00, and the researcher working with Dr. Charlotte J.
Patterson who is a Professor of Psychology at the University of

If you and/or your partner are interested in participating or want
further information please contact Samantha L. Tornello (Principal
Investigator) via email She will send you a web
link that you can use to access the study.

For more information contact Samantha Tornello, Graduate Student,
University of Virginia at or (434) 243-8558.