More Exercise, Less TV, More Equality? What Are Your Resolutions for 2009?

Conventional wisdom has it that people don’t stick to their New
Year’s resolutions very well. This probably has more to do with the
kinds of things people resolve to do (or not do) rather than the
resolution process, itself.

If you’re a TV-junkie and you vow on January 1 to stop watching TV
you’re setting a high bar for yourself. And, at the same time,
watching TV isn’t exactly the end of the world, so maybe you’re
more likely to give yourself a break if you, er, break
your resolution.

However, 2009 could be prove to be a different year for
resolution-keeping, for LGBT people, their family and friends, at
least. With the passage of Prop 8 in California and other anti-LGBT
measures, our community is more energized than ever to seek justice
and equality for all.

  • Is this the year that we all include at least one
    equality-oriented resolution in our list?
  • Is this the year that we keep it?

What’s your New Year’s resolution that will help move equality
forward? Share it in the comments and inspire others to action, as