[52 Ways] Make Waves with the PTA

Parents know the value of being involved in their children’s
schools. They get to be more in touch with teachers and other
educators who care for their children on a daily basis, and their
children feel more supported and engaged as a family in

It’s particularly important that LGBTQ parents get and stay active
in groups like the Parent Teacher Assocation (PTA). PTA activities
often set the tone for the school culture. Parents build
relationships with other parents and teachers through shared work
and efforts to improve the schools, and therefore get invested in
each other and each others’ families.

Being involved in the PTA should first be about improving the
educational experience of a child’s life, but in the case of LGBTQ
parents, involvement doubles as a way to make the school safer and
more inclusive of diverse family types.

In my work I’ve seen parents whose abilities to advocate for their
families’ needs in schools was directly related to their
involvement with the PTA and the relationships they’ve built with
other parents. I highly recommend that parents who are reading this
blog and are not involved in the PTA get involved this week, even
if it’s just signing up on a mailing list to keep in touch with PTA
activities. All parents are busy, but the benefits of involvement
will certainly outweigh any time spent.


52 Ways to be OUTSpoken is part of OUTSpoken Families,
and provides LGBTQ parents/allies with creative, doable actions to
help secure family equality all year long. To increase the reach of
52 Ways, Family Equality Council staff will blog about each
upcoming “way” the week before it takes effect. People who sign
up to become OUTSpoken receive weekly email reminders about 52
Ways. To download the 2008 version of 52 Ways, click