An Outsider’s View of Inner City Schools

Thanks so much for your kind words David. It was a sheer delight
to have a conversation with Jenn and to feature her on my “John
Selig Outspoken” podcast. We are so fortunate to have her
enthusiastic leadership for our organization. She happens to be one
of the most articulate guests that I have had on the show.

My commentary during the podcast is titled, “An Outsider’s View
of Our Inner City Schools.” I have spent about six weeks now
substitute teaching in inner city public schools in Dallas. It has
been one of the most eye-opening experiences in my life. I have
been completely out to teachers and administrators at every school
to help further our cause. I have also talked to them about raising
my son while being an out gay dad. My commentary, which is fairly
lengthy shares many of the experiences that I have had, my
observations about the crisis facing primary and secondary
education in our country and the critical steps I believe need to
be taken to increase the priority that our nation places on
education. I strongly urge parents to take the time to become
substitute teachers for a few days at least to get an idea about
the huge challenges our educators face. I recommend that folks try
to substitute in inner city schools and that even if they choose a
suburban school district that they chose to substitute at a school
that their children do not attend so that they can be objective in
their observations.

There is one elementary school that I teach at as often as
possible. It happens to be close to where I live and one block off
of the gay strip in Dallas. In fact, the company that owns four of
the clubs on the strip has adopted the school and donates money to
help the school. This school is a jewel where the teachers all work
as a team and the kids are happy, enthusiastic and are actually
well behaved. There is a wonderful sign hanging in the teachers’
lounge where there is always a large group each day that shares
lunch around a long table. I have no idea who wrote the copy that
appears on the sign. It certainly is fitting to be used as a
reminder for teachers. I also think that it is great for us as gay
parents too!


……it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort
of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove

……but the world may be different because I was important
in the life of a CHILD!”