California State Supreme Court just set the date to hear oral
arguments on marriage equality: March 4 .
The court then has 90 days to make a ruling.
So, by the end of May, we should know whether the court agrees that
banning my family’s equal protection before the law is
unconstitutional or not. My partner and I have a “Domestic
Partnership” in this state and live here. Though we are grateful
for that, it’s not full equality and we are reminded of it often
(like when we realize that the
‘stimulus’ package doesn’t apply to _our_ family because we are
not “married”).
It’s a very strange feeling having something so personally, hugely
and immediately affecting our family in the hands of a small group
of people.
Here’s hoping it’s a good thing.
This of course is tagged onto a political campaign that might also
be decided this month and could have a large impact on our family
(and already is, more on that later and the fact that March to
May will be the time we will deep in the adoption process, and
waiting for and possibly matched with our second child.