[52 Ways] Families of the Month Make an Impact Worldwide

This month we’re excited to have Elena Hernaiz Landaez, Ana
Margarita Rojas, Javier Eduardo and their many pets as our Family of
the Month!

The Landaez-Rojas family hails from Venezuela. Their submission to
be a Family of the Month is a reminder that our work for family
equality here in the states reaches far beyond national borders.
Our visibility as LGBTQ-parented families and theirs builds
community and confidence the world over.

Here’s an excerpt from the Landaez-Rojas’s family story:

En su apartamento, vive junto a su hijo Javier Eduardo
con 21 años, su pareja Ana Margarita Rojas, tres gatas, un loro y
una perrita blanca. Sus rostros pueden resultar familiares, porque
han sido la cara publica y frecuente en varios medios de una
tendencia que suele mantenerse puertas adentro. Hay muchisimas
parejas homosexuales con hijos, algunos juegan a casarse para
tenerlos y de la puerta para afuera presentan a sus parejas como
amigos. Pero nosotras decidimos que tener dos caras seria inmoral.
Y que para darle seguridad a mi hijo, los roles tenian que estar
claros. Asi, asumieron publicamente su relacion con un lema
familiar: No buscamos aceptacion, sólo exigimos respeto.

She lives in her apartment with her son Javier Eduardo, (21 years
old) and her partner, Ana Margarita Rojas, three cats, a parrot and
a white dog. They might seem familiar because, unlike others, they
are out in their community. There are many homosexual couples with
children, some who get married just to have them and then they
introduce their partners as their friends when they’re in public.
“But we decided that having two lives was immoral. In order to
provide stability for my son, our roles needed to be clear.” They
acknowledged their relationship publicly, with a familiar credo: We
do not seek acceptance; we demand respect.

Click here to
finish reading their story.

This week, you, too, can apply to be a Family of the Month,
featured on the front page of the Family Equality Council website
and sharing your family story with the world, to inspire others and
make change. Applying to be a Family of the Month is the 52 Ways to
be OUTSpoken for the week of January 27-February 2, 2008. Increase
visibility — apply

52 Ways to be OUTSpoken is part of OUTSpoken Families,
and provides LGBTQ parents/allies with creative, doable actions to
help secure family equality all year long. To increase the reach
52 Ways, Family Equality Council staff will blog about
each upcoming “way” the week before it takes effect. People who
sign up to become
receive weekly email reminders about
Ways. To download the 2008 version of 52 Ways,

click here