Making Families Visible, One Blog at a Time

The beauty of the blogosphere is that there isn’t one “best” blog
— not for any issue, any interest, or any group of people. Here at
the Family Equality
we’re proud to bring you news, insight, humor and
personal reflections on issues that matter to LGBTQ-headed families
and others. But we know we aren’t alone in building visibility and
sharing information for and about the LGBTQ family community.

Those of us who may have, at one time, questioned the “staying
power” of the blogosphere (:::blushes:::) can no longer deny its
power. LGBTQ family blogger Terrance Heath (Republic of T) has commented on
the power of blogs to break big stories and make change in the
lives of many. In his case, he blogged about a young man who wrote
on his MySpace page about being sent to a camp for “ex-gays.”
Momentum built behind the story and this young man’s case.
Eventually, the camp was shut down.

Personally I have come to enjoy blogging very much. As a
professional activist, it gives me a direct line to the people I
serve, which, in my mind, is invaluable. But it also gives me an
opportunity to share stories with others I may never have otherwise
come in contact with. If we blog strategically, we will change
hearts and minds.

So it is with great pleasure that I announce that I will now be
spreading my views about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
(among other things) as a contributor to the Bilerico Project! The Bilerico Project is a great place
to get wide-ranging views on LGBTQ issues and other cultural and
political happenings, with contributors ranging from activist
bloggers to executive directors of some of the largest LGBTQ
organizations out there (Kate Kendall from NCLR, Matt Foreman from The Task Force, H. Alexander
Robinson from NBJC, to name
a few…).

Though I will not be blogging at as an official
representative of the Family Equality Council, I
will increase the visibility of family issues because they are
very, very close to my heart. So, in addition to your (hopefully)
daily dose of blog from the Family Equality
, I encourage you to check out Bilerico and comment, comment
comment. You may think it doesn’t matter, but blogging is, for many
of us, about building community through words and actions. If you
read something you like or don’t like or have an opinion on, SHARE!
It makes a world of difference, and your thoughts will shape the
thoughts of others. It’s really that simple.

Also, if you’re out there blogging about family
issues, TELL US ABOUT IT! We’d love to add you to our blog roll, so
we can all benefit from your insights and stories. That’s what it’s
all about, right?