to announce that one of our OUTSpoken Families
appeared on the taping of an upcoming episode of the “Oprah Winfrey Show.” The
Sutherland-Trevino family, who attended Family Pride’s San Antonio
OUTSpoken training in July, stepped up to the plate and shared
their family story. Mark and Andy, along with their children and
their great niece graciously opened their Texas home to the Oprah
crews. The entire family was flown to Chicago for the taping on
December 7, and was accompanied by Family Pride’s executive
director Jennifer
The show, which will air sometime in January, is titled
“Extraordinary Families.” We think that what is most extraordinary
about the Sutherland-Trevino family is that they don’t have the
1,138 rights and privileges of heterosexual married couples in the
United States. Some of these rights and privileges include social
security survivor benefits, access to family members during times
of medical crisis, custody rights and child support
Mark and Andy’s family story will reach more than seven million
Oprah viewers, and will serve as yet another example of what a
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ)-headed family
can be like. This family knows, and now more members of the greater
American family know, love is truly what makes a family. By sharing
our family stories, we are changing hearts and minds across the
country – each day we get closer and closer to our goal of equality
for all loving families.
So, check your local TV-listings. Plan an Oprah party with family
and friends. And if you aren’t an OUTSpoken family yet, explore the program
and sign-up today. You never know what opportunities may arise!
P.S. We’ll let you know when we find out exactly when the episode
will air!